Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck services offered in San Antonio, TX

Tummy Tuck Q&A
What are the results of a tummy tuck?
A tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgery that removes extra fat and skin from your abdominal area to give you a flatter belly. The surgery can get rid of extra volume around the abdomen that has built up due to pregnancy, weight fluctuations, aging, or your natural body type.
In addition to removing the extra tissue, Dr. Hiers tightens your abdominal muscles and fascia with sutures. She also repositions the remaining skin to conceal the incision sites and give your body a more toned appearance.
Dr. Hiers talks to you extensively about the surgery before you proceed. She can explain your anticipated recovery time and aftercare. She might direct you to other treatments if you plan on losing weight or getting pregnant in the future.
What is the process of getting a tummy tuck?
The process of getting a tummy tuck at Dr. Connie Hiers Plastic Surgery & Med Spa involves several visits to the office, including an initial consultation to determine if you’re a candidate for tummy tuck surgery. Dr. Hiers can partner with you to determine the best results, including a discussion of the following options:
- 1 hour consultation
- Tummy tuck surgery, which lasts three to four hours
- Mini tummy tuck surgery, which lasts 1.5 to 2.5 hours
- Mini-mini, an in-office procedure
- An abdominal binder to wear during recovery
- Approximately six follow-up visits as you heal
You should expect to follow strict aftercare guidelines following tummy tuck surgery to avoid any side effects and minimize your recovery time. These guidelines include avoiding strenuous exercise for six weeks, avoiding tanning and smoking, and using scar products to help your incision heal effectively.
How should I prepare for a tummy tuck?
Preparing for a tummy tuck begins with your initial consultation at Dr. Connie Hiers Plastic Surgery & Med Spa. You should expect:
An evaluation of your health
A full health evaluation during your consultation includes an overview of your medical history and a physical examination to review your health.
Guidelines for smoking cessation
Dr. Hiers advises you to stop smoking ahead of your surgery. She may also tell you to stop taking specific medications in preparation for your tummy tuck.
Maintenance of a stable weight
Dr. Hiers advises you to adopt healthy eating habits and exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight. Typically, tummy tuck patients should maintain a stable weight for at least 6 months before surgery.
Begin planning your tummy tuck surgery today. Call Dr. Connie Hiers Plastic Surgery & Med Spa or book an appointment online today.
Tummy Tuck Q&A
A tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgery that removes extra fat and skin from your abdominal area to give you a flatter belly. The surgery can get rid of extra volume around the abdomen that has built up due to pregnancy, weight fluctuations, aging, or your natural body type.
In addition to removing the extra tissue, Dr. Hiers tightens your abdominal muscles and fascia with sutures. She also repositions the remaining skin to conceal the incision sites and give your body a more toned appearance.
Dr. Hiers talks to you extensively about the surgery before you proceed. She can explain your anticipated recovery time and aftercare. She might direct you to other treatments if you plan on losing weight or getting pregnant in the future.
The process of getting a tummy tuck at Dr. Connie Hiers Plastic Surgery & Med Spa involves several visits to the office, including an initial consultation to determine if you’re a candidate for tummy tuck surgery. Dr. Hiers can partner with you to determine the best results, including a discussion of the following options:
- 1 hour consultation
- Tummy tuck surgery, which lasts three to four hours
- Mini tummy tuck surgery, which lasts 1.5 to 2.5 hours
- Mini-mini, an in-office procedure
- An abdominal binder to wear during recovery
- Approximately six follow-up visits as you heal
You should expect to follow strict aftercare guidelines following tummy tuck surgery to avoid any side effects and minimize your recovery time. These guidelines include avoiding strenuous exercise for six weeks, avoiding tanning and smoking, and using scar products to help your incision heal effectively.
Preparing for a tummy tuck begins with your initial consultation at Dr. Connie Hiers Plastic Surgery & Med Spa. You should expect:
An evaluation of your health
A full health evaluation during your consultation includes an overview of your medical history and a physical examination to review your health.
Guidelines for smoking cessation
Dr. Hiers advises you to stop smoking ahead of your surgery. She may also tell you to stop taking specific medications in preparation for your tummy tuck.
Maintenance of a stable weight
Dr. Hiers advises you to adopt healthy eating habits and exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight. Typically, tummy tuck patients should maintain a stable weight for at least 6 months before surgery.
Begin planning your tummy tuck surgery today. Call Dr. Connie Hiers Plastic Surgery & Med Spa or book an appointment online today.
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